Monday 1 September 2014

Invertebrates- clever or clueless?

On 23rd June 2014, Sir Thomas Boughey High School brought the entire Year 10 cohort of 150 pupils to NULC for an afternoon for taster sessions to give them an idea of what college life is all about.

The pupils were given a list of available tasters and they had to choose which subjects they were most interested in, the pupils would experience one 1 ½ hour taster during their visit.

The subjects available were sport nutrition, biology, computing and robotics, early years, public services, floristry, graphics, psychology and sociology and photography.

The early year’s session was very lively as students had to work in teams to create a play activity for children using recycled materials. The students had to be as creative as possible and were given lots of information by the lecturers about children’s behaviour and how this affects play time.

Saskia Fagan enjoyed the early year’s taster saying, “I enjoyed the activity we did because it showed how children have to work as a team and how to create something out of recycled materials”.

The biology session was always going to be interesting, especially with the taster session being titled “Invertebrates – clever or clueless?”

Pupils were given a small family of live household woodlice and had a quiz to find out if they were indeed clever or clueless by seeing if they moved towards the artificial light.

James O’Sullivan enjoyed the taster, he said: ‘The session was different to the stuff we do in school and I learnt a lot of things I didn’t know during the quiz”.

Sir Thomas Boughey High School value the taster day very highly and have written their own article regarding the event, to view more photographs and see what they had to say about the day follow this link

If you would like to organise an activity with Newcastle-under-Lyme College please contact the school liaison team, Gareth Hughes and Tara Capper on 01782 254347 or email



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